Thursday, May 26, 2016

memorial day

what is memorial day?
Image result for memorial day
federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces.
when is it?
Monday, May 30
what are a few ways to show honor and respect on memorial day?
Attend A Parade. 
Decorate with Flags
include anything else about memorial day.
became official holiday in 1971
what are a few things you will do on memorial day to show honor and respect?
go to a parade and join the moment of rememberance 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Becoming Your Best

The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders
Steven Shallenberger
1. Be true to your character

"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."- Albert Einstein
being true to yourself makes a leader because a leader is confident. they know who they are exactly what they want and how. a true leader is one self because they do not change based on the situation. their judgments are fair and stick to their morals and points of view. they are not easily influenced by others and instead influence others. i would apply this to my everyday life by remembering not to let peer pressure get the best of me and do what i suit is best.
2. Use your imagination

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney
using your imagination creates self identity. it is what makes you unique. being true to yourself makes a leader because a leader is confident. they know who they are exactly what they want and how. a true leader is one self because they do not change based on the situation. their judgments are fair and stick to their morals and points of view. they are not easily influenced by others and instead influence others. i would apply this to my everyday life by remembering not to let peer pressure get the best of me and do what i suit is best.
3. Apply the power of knowledge

 “I’m a student of world religion, so to me, it’s hugely important to have knowledge and to understand what people are doing.” – Will Smith
using your knowledge makes you a wise person. youre using knowledge from previous experiences to new encounters. being true to yourself makes a leader because a leader is confident. they know who they are exactly what they want and how. a true leader is one self because they do not change based on the situation. their judgments are fair and stick to their morals and points of view. they are not easily influenced by others and instead influence others. i would apply this to my everyday life by remembering not to let peer pressure get the best of me and do what i suit is best.
4. Never give up

 “Remember that guy that gave up? Well, Neither does anybody else.” – Unknown
5. Find peace and balance

"If you really want to feel at peace, then your goal is to let go of the ego which separates us from being at one with all which is." Kevin Kerr
finding peace in the middle of caos is essential for personal well being. it will keep you sane in the hardest and unstable times. being true to yourself makes a leader because a leader is confident. they know who they are exactly what they want and how. a true leader is one self because they do not change based on the situation. their judgments are fair and stick to their morals and points of view. they are not easily influenced by others and instead influence others. i would apply this to my everyday life by remembering not to let peer pressure get the best of me and do what i suit is best.
6. Live the Golden Rule

Buddhism:  560 BC,  From the Udanavarga 5:18-   "Hurt not others with that which pains yourself."
treat others the way you want to be treated. respect to be respected. this is all earned. being true to yourself makes a leader because a leader is confident. they know who they are exactly what they want and how. a true leader is one self because they do not change based on the situation. their judgments are fair and stick to their morals and points of view. they are not easily influenced by others and instead influence others. i would apply this to my everyday life by remembering not to let peer pressure get the best of me and do what i suit is best.
7.Build and maintain trust

"Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life”- Napoleon Hill
being trustworthy is a good attribute to have. also you have to trust is not good to trust blindly. trust but verify,finding peace in the middle of caos is essential for personal well being. it will keep you sane in the hardest and unstable times. being true to yourself makes a leader because a leader is confident. they know who they are exactly what they want and how. a true leader is one self because they do not change based on the situation. their judgments are fair and stick to their morals and points of view. they are not easily influenced by others and instead influence others. i would apply this to my everyday life by remembering not to let peer pressure get the best of me and do what i suit is best.
8. Quick to listen, slow to wrath

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”- Epictetus
exam your actions before doing it. it may make matters worse or better. better to listen to the situation and then react after everything is presented to you. finding peace in the middle of caos is essential for personal well being. it will keep you sane in the hardest and unstable times. being true to yourself makes a leader because a leader is confident. they know who they are exactly what they want and how. a true leader is one self because they do not change based on the situation. their judgments are fair and stick to their morals and points of view. they are not easily influenced by others and instead influence others. i would apply this to my everyday life by remembering not to let peer pressure get the best of me and do what i suit is best.
9. Lead with vision

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action with without vision is a nightmare." - Japanese Proverb
leading with vision is knowing where you want to go. you know what you want and come up with a way to get there. exam your actions before doing it. it may make matters worse or better. better to listen to the situation and then react after everything is presented to you. finding peace in the middle of caos is essential for personal well being. it will keep you sane in the hardest and unstable times. being true to yourself makes a leader because a leader is confident. they know who they are exactly what they want and how. a true leader is one self because they do not change based on the situation. their judgments are fair and stick to their morals and points of view. they are not easily influenced by others and instead influence others. i would apply this to my everyday life by remembering not to let peer pressure get the best of me and do what i suit is best.

10. Manage with a plan

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." - Benjamin Franklin
without a plan one is headed no where. you need to be prepared for anything to happen. plans need to be flexible and able to easily changed when a difficult situation is encountered. leading with vision is knowing where you want to go. you know what you want and come up with a way to get there. exam your actions before doing it. it may make matters worse or better. better to listen to the situation and then react after everything is presented to you. finding peace in the middle of caos is essential for personal well being. it will keep you sane in the hardest and unstable times. being true to yourself makes a leader because a leader is confident. they know who they are exactly what they want and how. a true leader is one self because they do not change based on the situation. their judgments are fair and stick to their morals and points of view. they are not easily influenced by others and instead influence others. i would apply this to my everyday life.
11. do what matters most

you know what you want and come up with a way to get there. exam your actions before doing it. it may make matters worse or better. better to listen to the situation and then react after everything is presented to you. finding peace in the middle of caos is essential for personal well being. it will keep you sane in the hardest and unstable times. being true to yourself makes a leader because a leader is confident. they know who they are exactly what they want and how. a true leader is one self because they do not change based on the situation. their judgments are fair and stick to their morals and points of view. they are not easily influenced by others and instead influence others. i would apply this to my everyday life.
12. Be accountable

"Good men prefer to be accountable." - Michael Edwardes
resposibility is key. you know what you want and come up with a way to get there. exam your actions before doing it. it may make matters worse or better. better to listen to the situation and then react after everything is presented to you. finding peace in the middle of caos is essential for personal well being. it will keep you sane in the hardest and unstable times. being true to yourself makes a leader because a leader is confident. they know who they are exactly what they want and how. a true leader is one self because they do not change based on the situation. their judgments are fair and stick to their morals and points of view. they are not easily influenced by others and instead influence others. i would apply this to my everyday life.

Friday, April 8, 2016

10 tips for being more truthful

Barbara A. Lewis

1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
 This would mean to be the very best at something and to not give on what you're doing. To be very open of other choices. Also to never let anyone down. If one is committed then they will always have trust in them. Rather than a liar who no one can never trust. It also means to have faith in what you're doing in order to accomplish what you are doing.
 "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." - Thomas Jefferson

I will apply this tip in my daily life by always telling the truth. It would keep out of trouble and also to have the trust of others.To be honest of what you're doing is to have trust with the other person. It would show that you're showing what you think and also how you think. It would show the person how you are and also the way you view things in order to understand them

2. Tell someone about your commitment.
To be honest of what you're doing is to have trust with the other person. It would show that you're showing what you think and also how you think. It would show the person how you are and also the way you view things in order to understand them. It also shows how one person would faithful enough to show the way one person is thinking and also the way one responds to the other.
 "When you do something with a lot of honesty, appetite and commitment, the input reflects on the output." - A. R. Rahman

I would share in my daily life in order to have the trust of others and so others can like the way I am. It would show my honesty and also the way I act and think.To be honest of what you're doing is to have trust with the other person. It would show that you're showing what you think and also how you think. It would show the person how you are and also the way you view things in order to understand them
3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.

I would share in my daily life in order to have the trust of others and so others can like the way I am. It would show my honesty and also the way I act and think.To be honest of what you're doing is to have trust with the other person. It would show that you're showing what you think and also how you think. It would show the person how you are and also the way you view things in order to understand them
4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally. "-W. C. Fields
some people may not understand that you are not being serious. there is a time and a place for everything. if youre in a serious situation it is not a good time to make jokes or speak scarcastically. pick and chooose when you say things. someone may get the wrong idea and take you seriously and then do the opposite of what you meant. also it is super rude to be talking to someone sarcastically when they need help and are asking a serious question. the best idea is to just say what you mean without any hidden meaning.
5. be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it

"If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything." -Mark Twain
not including the whole truth is lying. it is 100% honesty or a lie. if you tell the truth you dont have to make more lies to cover the first lie. being honest is easier and doesnt make you feel guilty. it is the best to always be honest and upfront about what happens.
6. dont indulge in little white lies

"Enough white lies can scorch the earth black." - Isaac Marion
an example is when you compliment someone so they can feel good about themselves but you dont mean it. white lies are not good. they add up and there is no longer a difference from a white lie to a regular lie. a white lie is still a lie and the truth should be told anyways.
7. watch out for silent lies
these are lies that are not told they are impied.To be honest of what you're doing is to have trust with the other person. It would show that you're showing what you think and also how you think. It would show the person how you are and also the way you view things in order to understand them
8. when you catch  yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse

"There is no logic in a lie but if you lie effectively to a group of people it can work like cancer." - Jeremy Limn'
I would share in my daily life in order to have the trust of others and so others can like the way I am. It would show my honesty and also the way I act and think.To be honest of what you're doing is to have trust with the other person. It would show that you're showing what you think and also how you think. It would show the person how you are and also the way you view things in order to understand them.To be honest of what you're doing is to have trust with the other person. It would show that you're showing what you think and also how you think. It would show the person how you are and also the way you view things in order to understand them
9. talk to yourself

“Your self-talk is the channel of behavior change” ― Gino Norris
talking to yourself will make you be honest wioth yourself self conciously also if youre about to tell a lie and you confront yourself about it before hand you will end up choosing the right and not lie. we all have a concious that helps us choose right from wrong.self talk is also more empowering and can boost up your confidence. it is always good to be honest and truthful to yourself. you cant lie to yourself it can turn you crazy because you knwo the truth youre just trying to manipulate the situation.

10. treat yourself when you tell the truth

talking to yourself will make you be honest wioth yourself self conciously also if youre about to tell a lie and you confront yourself about it before hand you will end up choosing the right and not lie. we all have a concious that helps us choose right from wrong.self talk is also more empowering and can boost up your confidence. it is always good to be honest and truthful to yourself. you cant lie to yourself it can turn you crazy because you knwo the truth youre just trying to manipulate the
this tips will benefit me because they give me time to process my actions and think about telling the truth. this is a good thing for me that i wish to apply to my everyday situations. i will incorporate by thinking about them inside my head before saying something. this is are good tips to help me in the long run.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

khan academy: how the internet works

      the internet is a large and complex system. it works with 0's and 1's. they are the atoms of the internet. it is very very interesting to get to know how the things we use every day work. they allow us to better understand the dangers of giving personal information out. it is very crutial to understand that virsus are very easy to get and spread widely and rapidly. I also learned about encryptions and how security works. its very easy for people to make a fake website and trick you into putting your password.

Friday, February 26, 2016

the 10 keys to pesonal power

key 1: Clarify
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where youre going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

"I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific."-Lily Tomlin
having an exact vision of who and where you wanna be in life is going to guide you much easier to your path. it will be easier for you to make decisions because your choices will lead to your ultimate goal in life. it will also be much easier to remain focus on what you want. not knowing could make you a chaotic messy person. you have different options and maybe you'll miss a great opportunity because you didn't know what you want. everything has to do with the ultimate goal and clarity. guide yourself on the right path.
key 2: Competence
"if you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

"People differ not only in their ability to do but also in their 'will to do'."-Paul Hersey
competence is when you set a goal and try and try again until you reach it. it is key to reaching goals. especially personal power. how can you claim to be self strong when you give up on goals. this is perseverance. only good things are said to those who persevere. someone that is out of their comfort zone to achieve what they want. it is all good and essential for personal power. you must WANT to do it. there must be a passion for your activities. paul hersey best describes this in the quote above.
key 3: concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself 'Is this the best use of my time?' before you start anything."

"For him who has no concentration, there is no tranquility."- Bhagavad Gita 
concentration is focus. it is essential to stay focused on your ultimate goal. there needs to be a sense of accomplishment when reaching for your goals. being focused is not being selfish it is just doing what you need to do to accomplish your goal. it makes it easier to stay on track with your studies. not knowing could make you a chaotic messy person. you have different options and maybe you'll miss a great opportunity because you didn't know what you want. everything has to do with the ultimate goal and clarity. guide yourself on the right path.
Key 4: Common Sense

Train your mind
think things through
listen to your intuition
learn from setbacks

common sense is always needed, do great in life be nice be kind.
Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius.  The hallmark of creativity is asking questions.  The people who are most creative ask the most questions."

being creative is great. it allows you to be a great person with art. youre able to expand your horizons. you are thinking out of the box.Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself. It is really important to have confidence in yourself because that is a key to achieve your goals and dreams because you truly believe in yourself and you know you can get it right. Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.

Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.  Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."

people need to be considerate of others. they need to be nice and good people. they will like you that way. be friendly to everyone you know. that makes them feel good and like you. also, consider all your options.Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself. It is really important to have confidence in yourself because that is a key to achieve your goals and dreams because you truly believe in yourself and you know you can get it right. Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.
key 7: consistency
"dependable,steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
" be consistant in your relationships, your family, friends, your bboss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you'll do something you do it."

 “It’s so simple really:  If you say you’re going to do something, do it.  If you start something, finish it.” ~ Epictetus
you have to live in the now and work hard and smart if you want to achieve your dreams. Always remember that hard work + consistency + time = results. if you put no time and no effort into  things youre gettong no where. if you put some thought and small effort might as well not start it. youre not going to follow through with it. time effort and sucess go hand in hand. wihout one you cant complete the other. you must balance on the beam all your life. or practice and put effort to achieve it.Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself. It is really important to have confidence in yourself because that is a key to achieve your goals and dreams because you truly believe in yourself and you know you can get it right. Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.
key 8:Commitment
"no success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all sucess."
"become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally comitted."

"Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is harder than living them day after day."— Arthur Gordon
being commited is essential because being loosely involved never works out. commitment shows how dedicated you are. being committed does not mean just in your work, you have to show commitment in freidnships and relationships. you have to be involved and up to date with all your projects. being fluent in your work will take you far. it can open opportunities for you.Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself. It is really important to have confidence in yourself because that is a key to achieve your goals and dreams because you truly believe in yourself and you know you can get it right. Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.
key 9: courage
"The fear of failure is the greatest reason for failure in life."

"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."-Winston Churchill
courage is emportant because you have to be brave enough to continue persuing your dreams even after many failed attempts. or simply quitting your job to follow your dreams. courage is a necesarry attribute. it makes you take the first leap. the leap that can change your life. desicions determine destiny. Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself. It is really important to have confidence in yourself because that is a key to achieve your goals and dreams because you truly believe in yourself and you know you can get it right. Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.
key 10: Confidence
"you only get confidence by doing things over and over again."

Self-confidence is the memory of success. - David Storey
Confidence is a belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities. It is generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself. It is really important to have confidence in yourself because that is a key to achieve your goals and dreams because you truly believe in yourself and you know you can get it right. Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful. After all, most people are reluctant to back a project that's being pitched by someone who was nervous, fumbling, and overly apologetic.
they 10 keys of personal power can help me become a better person. it will make me a leader and not a follower. they encourage me to be confident and a positive risk taker. one key i am going to begin to apply is confidence. confidence will make me a better person because i will believe in myself. another key that correlates with confidence is se courage. courage will make me the risk taker i need to be to accomplish my goals. i will incorporate these keys into my daily life by sticking to their meaning.